Monthly Archives: August 2016

The Journalist and the Murderer by Janet Malcolm

If you’d asked me about my reading tastes a few years ago, I would probably not have mentioned nonfiction as one of my favorite genres. Over the last few years, however, I find myself drawn more and more to true accounts, biographies, and memoirs. I think the change in taste is partly because of my […]

All Things Potter

It’s Saturday, and I’ve been away on a retreat with my students, so today was filled with a lot of napping. Tonight I’ll have to buckle down and work on some of my grad school assignments, but first I thought I’d catch up on the blog! This evening I have two Harry Potter-related items to […]

Why I Love the Olympics

This past week was the first official week of school, which typically means I’m worn out and in bed by 9:30 pm. So why this week could you find me glued to the television at 11:00 or later? It’s simple: The Olympics. If you know me, you know that every two years when the Olympics […]

Young Adult Medley 

I’m excited to share a few young adult picks with you all tonight. These three books might seem like a random assortment, but they all have one thing in common: They were the summer reading choices for my students this year. I really enjoyed throwing some Young Adult lit into my reading selection for the […]