Monthly Archives: June 2018

Review: Circe by Madeline Miller

I’ve said often on the blog that I’m not always one to jump in on new releases or contemporary fiction trends. I usually prefer to wait until a book’s been around for a while before I decide if I want to read it. But when Circe by Madeline Miller debuted in April, the cover alone caught […]

Review: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

When I started listening to audiobooks a few years ago, I was worried that true book purists might consider listening to a book “cheating.” I’m happy to say that I’ve completely gotten over that fear; in fact, I’m convinced that some books are actually better enjoyed and understood when heard rather than read. Born a Crime […]

12 Months of Books: June Suggestions

It’s finally summer! I can’t believe that we are almost halfway through the year, and halfway through 2018’s reading challenge. Today I have sixteen books to recommend for this month’s theme, On the Road. When I chose this theme, I was thinking about all the great road trip memories I have from my childhood. Since summer […]